Age Appropriate: Teen
Emotional Response: sweet and hilarious and strange
Notable Features: mythical creatures, sassy teens, interesting personalities
Language: Japanese
Length: 1 season, 12 episodes
Overall Recommendation: Definitely
"The night view...Super-sadist. " - Kagero
Everyone who lives in Maison de Ayakashi is a supernatural creature of some kind. It is a refuge for those throwbacks who are also part of rich society. Additionally, the residents of Ayakashi Kun also have Secret Service agents as protectors - who are also supernatural creatures. There is also a unique staff of supernatural creatures - this includes a transvestite maid, a robotic maid, and girly busty maid, a bartender obsessed with pretending he's in some sort of film noir, his exceedingly tolerant no nonsense little boy, and a gruff looking, softy concierge. The other residents include various types of interesting Japanese folklore evil creatures, and the series frequently has minor trivia lessons when a new one is introduces. Also, at the end of certain episodes, the credits focus on the specific person that was highlighted in the episode.

Ririchiyo moves in to Ayakashi Kun to get away from her family. She has been held as sacred because she is a descendant of a supernatural creature and her blood has proven to make her into that supernatural creature. In her case, an oni. She is emotionally guarded after her upbringing, and uses a snobby-type attitude to push people away to avoid being hurt.
Miketsukami is Ririchiyo's SS agent, and is completely devoted to her, to the point of obsession in some instances. He calls himself her lowly dog, essentially. He is also an evil Nine-Tailed Fox. His sole purpose is to protect her, and he also acts in a butler capacity. This doesn't seem to be necessary, as the other agents don't act the same toward their charges. Each SS agent has a distinct personality and a different type of supernatural heritage that adds to the story.
The series is really their story, part coming of age for Ririchiyo and part budding romance with Miketsukami. The residents all seem to be interested in becoming friends with Ririchiyo, despite her attitude, and all have their own special quirks. There is a typical-male flying cloth monster, a girl-obsessed ice maiden, and a young girl who eats all the time. Learning to interact with others is the main "coming of age" experience that Ririchiyo deals with - often dramatically and possibly involving a strange man with bunny ears.
Inu X Boku SS is interesting to say the least. The relationship between Chiyo and Miketsukami is actually pretty intense, and awkward. It's probably not a relationship that would be acceptable, but it's anime, so it's ok. The way that the Chiyo learns about battling her random, trying outburst in attempts to have normal interactions is sweet and made me a bit tenderhearted. I remember when I was that awkward.
The series itself has some seriously awesome moments. I particularly like Karuta and Sorinozuka. I mean, who doesn't want to be able to eat everything and anything? Or be a flying cloth monster? The weirdest, creepiest, most bizarre resident is probably the best source of laughter, though. Kagero is determined to treat everyone like dogs, and label everything as either a sadist or masochist - including a car window. It is also hard to take a "delinquent" tanuki seriously. I'm so glad that the episodes have little lessons in them, or I wouldn't know what these creatures are, and I admit that I have to look some of them up online. Learning is good.
The end credits are pretty great. There is also the obligatory end reel that shows the preview of the next episode and has great commentary. I would recommend watching each set of credits all the way through. In general, I would probably recommend this anime if you're interested in romantic-type anime. It is quite funny, but if you have no interest in the sweet human interactions, it might not be that fun. Personally, I loved it. Of course, the end is serious, but it is great for putting me in a good mood. There is always a smile in each episode (and usually outright laughter). The series isn't the same funny as some of more high school based anime I've seen, and it's a bit bittersweet. I'm going to have to watch something blatantly funny after this, but it's a great heart lifting series to watch. Either way, I would definitely recommend it.
Come and get it!: Baka & Test