Thursday, March 28, 2013

Aesthetica of a Rogue Hero

Genre: Action/Sci-Fi
Age Appropriate: Older Teens
Emotional Response: Yeah! Get 'em!
Notable Features: Magic, typical teen boy, heroism
Language: Japanese
Length: 1 season, 12 episodes
Overall Recommendation: Pretty Good

"Eeeeeeeek!" - Any Girl

Akatsuki Ousawa is a true hero is Alayzard. He's defeated a dark lord, subsequently defeated the previous hero, and saved this new world. The series opens with him running from royal maids, using their magic to try to subdue him from his present course. Akatsuki's goal is to get back to Earth, his own world, with whatever he carries with him. He easily evades the magical maids, but is stopped by Queen Listy in the end. She only wants to know why he's abandoning her, and Alayzard. He never gives her a real answer, but promises to return if she ever calls for him. This is all in the first episode.

The season is all about the package. Akatsuki has smuggled in the Dark Lord Garius's daughter, Miu! He promised to look after her when he defeated Garius, and now he's stolen her away to Earth to protect her. They enter the Tower of Babel school, as Class B students, and pose as brother and sister. It appears that Akatsuki's plan is to hide in plain sight, acting as normal students, and feeling safe because no one should be able to follow him back due to some sort of magical Otherworld gate rules. The storyline is a mix between their unique sci-fi battle/magic-based education, and the behind-the-scenes workings in both Alaycard and Earth realms. The two characters make some good friends on the way, and become integral pieces of the end of the season battle.


I wasn't entirely sure about this one when I started it. I really chose it because it was a 12 episode series, and I wanted something short. It seemed good enough at the time. I enjoyed it, even if it wouldn't be on my WATCH THIS NOW list. The most bothersome part of it was realizing that there was no real end, and after feeling unsatisfied for awhile, realizing that this was clearly meant to be only the first season.

The way it's meant to a "continuation" of some unknown heroic story was a bit unique, but the hero-saves-the-day part was very traditional. This isn't a problem, but my understanding was that it was going to be something other than just pretending to be unique while actually using the idea as a vehicle for any other hero story. Still, it was pretty good. I'll happily watch the second season if it ever comes out. I have hopes for the series at this point. I won't wait with bated breath or anything, but I'll be happy to watch more. I suppose that's really the review, right? Go ahead and watch it, might be fun. I only made it for "Older Teens" because there is a lot of censored nudity and a little bit of pervi-ness from Akatsuki. Definitely not for youngsters. So, yeah, pretty good, watch it if you want. I won't cry if you don't or anything.


Alright!: Disgaea

Monday, March 25, 2013

Say "I love you"

Genre: Romance
Age Appropriate: Teens
Emotional Response: indulgent smile, lovely
Notable Features: high school, young love, sweet
Language: Japanese
Length: 1 season, 13 episodes
Overall Recommendation: Great

"I love you."

Say "I love you" is about a boy and a girl who fall in love, and it includes all of the misunderstandings that come with it. It all starts with a roundhouse kick from the least popular girl to the face of the most popular guy. He becomes intrigued by her because she doesn't seem to care that he's popular and beautiful - therefore not throwing herself at him every five minutes. A few episodes in, she gets sucked into being his girlfriend - because he's nice, beautiful and persistant. He stole her first kiss while saving her from a creepy stalker-like guy, and she has to battle in her mind to try to make it not a big deal. The series becomes a look into her mental state as she struggles against trusting him, and then falling in love; learning to have friends for the first time and battling her new, difficult issues with unfamiliar feelings of jealousy. While, the two seem to come through each new situation a little stronger, the process is painful.


Usually, I try to be a little varied in what I'm watching. Black Butler episodes aside, I seem to be on a romance kick. Good thing it's my blog, huh? Say "I love you" was sweet, and maybe a little bittersweet. I found myself jealous of the female protagonist, Mei. It wasn't because she ends up with the hottest guy in school, necessarily (because what girl didn't want that when they were in high school?) but because in the short season, I got to watch her battle through new friends and becoming a little popular herself. I had friends in high school, but they always felt a step outside. And, yes, I'm a little jealous of Mei for dating the cute guy, but less because he was "the cute guy," then the fact that there was a guy interested in her in the first place. I was not, however, jealous of all the drama she had to deal with. Every episode had a least one moment where my heart hurt for her. It's quiet, I suppose, like Mei. No flashiness, no comedy, no throwing of object extreme drama. Just quiet.

The team who made this anime series happen did a fabulous job. I'd been avoiding this one just because I wasn't in the mood and I knew absolutely nothing about it. I'm also glad that I was in the current romantic mindset because it would've been hard to jump from Black Butler right into this. I don't know if I would watch it again, but if they manage to come out with a second season, I don't think I would hesitate. It's a new release, and while I was a little unsatisfied with the random ending, I won't cry if a new season doesn't happen. I would recommend it to a lot of people. There are a few subtle adult themes, so I would wait until someone was at least in high school, but nothing blatant. My best review for this series: I kept thinking about it, like a fond memory, for days afterword.


Say it: Aesthetica of a Rogue Hero

Thursday, March 21, 2013


Genre: Romance
Age Appropriate: Older Teens
Emotional Response: yeeeeah. ::headdesk::
Notable Features: bands, young love. coming-of-age
Language: Japanese/English
Length: 1 season, 12 episodes
Overall Recommendation: Guilty Pleasure (Terribly cheesy, but I couldn't stop)

"Ask me if something good happened." - Shuichi Shindo

Gravitation is all about the music. Shuichi is a young artist in his up-and-coming band, Bad Luck. Together with his bandmate Hiro, and the eventual addition of a keyboard player, Bad Luck takes the music world by storm. Shuichi, however, suffers from mood swings that stem from a lack of control over his destiny and his rocky relationship with Eiri Yuki, a famous novelist who has somehow fallen down the rabbit hole of love with Shuichi. Yuki is actually an arrogant jerk who manages to support his new young rockstar boyfriend while also tearing him apart with his own crazy mood swings. Clearly, however, his attitude actually helps him deal with Shuichi's crazy love-struck enthusiasm and likely helps the kid grow up throughout the series.

Bad Luck catches the eye of the record label's president, and their most famous rockstar during a concert where they open for a different popular group, ASK. ASK becomes their rival for the series. There is some drama with ASK, but it is relatively short lived when they attack Shuichi head on. Other drama ensues, both between bands, within the band, and in the relationships that are slowly developing between characters.


It was awful and I couldn't stop watching it! The music was kinda cheesy. The story was a little unoriginal. Even the relationships were dopey. I loved it. I watched it most of it on a Sunday afternoon/evening. I had to go to bed before finishing the last few episodes, but it was quickly rectified as soon as I got home from work. I'm glad it was only one season, because there is no way that it could've been drawn out effectively. Don't be fooled, though. As light-hearted and goofy as it is, the last episode is super intense, and I wouldn't recommend watching it without a little warning.

The only thing that probably set it apart from other similar anime stories was the fact that the main character, and his love interest, were of the same gender. They make a big deal about how it's not normal for either of them, but no one cares because it's all about love. It was pretty low-key for yaoi, though. I didn't even have much of a crush on any of the characters, although I might attribute that to the art style - or not. If the above sounds like your kinda thing, then I would highly recommend it.


Rock Out Y'all: Say "I love you"

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Family Time

Due to some familial health issues, I'll be going out of state to visit with my family. Since I'm focusing on that right now, there will be no post tomorrow or next Monday. I will pick back up for Thursday next week, after I return. Thanks for you patience. 

Monday, March 11, 2013

Black Butler (Season 2 + extras)

Genre: Drama/Action/BlackButler
Age Appropriate: Older Teens
Emotional Response: really? and LOL
Notable Features: Victorian England, butlers, reapers, demons
Language: English
Length: 1 season, 12 episodes; extra episodes
Overall Recommendation: Pretty Good

"You surprised me." - Ciel

Black Butler's second season follows a strange turn of events. Alois and Claude are the new lord/demon duo of the story. Alois is a strange, twisted young man who made a contract with Claude and it includes kidnapping Ciel Phantomhive and causing Sebastian excruciating pain. Shockingly, the original pair return to the story with a few extra twists and turns. Apparently, Sebastian has lost Ciel's soul due to a mishap and now must find a way to retrieve it. Ciel returns without his memory intact, due to his lost soul, and finds himself in a twisted battle with Alois, whose jealousy over the demons' desire for Ciel know no bounds. There are duels between the butlers, and the masters, over misunderstandings and deceit between everyone that end in a very interesting manner. As the season is much shorter, and preceded by enough back story, there isn't much to add to the synopsis.

There were a few extras available to me for the series. In the first series, there was an extra that was commentary-style, starring the three servants. There is a filler episode which included the cast doing a play for children. After the second season, there were new extras which included a version of Alice in Wonderland, but with Ciel as Alice.


The second season doesn't much do the first justice, but that is the way of most sequels. I actually found moments where I wished that they had originally ended it with the first, but I did enjoy the extra time with Sebastian quite a bit. I have no love for either Claude or Alois, and also wanted to punch either of them in the face on multiple occasions. An additional twist in the emotional feel was my complete sympathy for Sebastian. In the first season, I felt more connection to Ciel, but Sebastian really dominated the second for me. It had nothing to do with my love for him in general, but more about how he got screwed.

The extras were definitely worth a look. For the first season, there were more of a diversion after a few intense episodes. They certainly weren't necessary to the story, but why not? After the second season, I really enjoyed the adaptation of Alice in Wonderland with Ciel as Alice. After the second season, which really was quite good, the Alice episodes tickled me enough to forget any real complaints I might have had about the continuation of the series. On the hilarious side of things, there is nothing better than watching the ever popular Black Butler running around as the White Rabbit. Don't miss it. Still, there is no better extra then The Making of Black Butler 2. Seriously. Druitt is such a drama queen.


Sadly, we must move on: Gravitation

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Black Butler (Season 1)

Genre: Drama/Action/BlackButler
Age Appropriate: Older Teens
Emotional Response: laugher, tears, moving
Notable Features: Victorian England, butlers, reapers, demons
Language: English
Length: 1 season, 25 episodes
Overall Recommendation: TOP 1

"I'm simply on hell of a butler." - Sebastian Michaelis

Two years ago, the Phantomhive manor burned to the ground, taking the lord and lady of the estate with them, and leaving behind their young son, Ciel. Ciel suddenly reappears after those two years with a new butler in tow and no smiles to be had. This is the beginning of Black Butler. Ciel's mysterious butler, Sebastian, has an uncanny ability to breeze through any obstacles, magically fix any problems, and act as an ideal butler. These curious abilities come from the fact that Sebastian is Ciel's demon servant, held by a contract that is visible in Ciel's eye, and on Sebastian's hand. The other staff in the mansion seem to have no actual abilities other than screwing things up, leaving Sebastian to clean up after them, and providing comic relief in each episode.

Ciel's duties as the Earl of Phantomhive include running the family business of Funtom Toys, along with other ventures, and acting as the "Queen's Guard Dog." These duties include maintaining a relationship within the London underground, and looking into strange happenings that, in the end, are only solvable with the hidden help of Sebastian. Other allies appear with The Undertaker, a reaper named Grell, and a dog. The series progresses through many trials and tribulations with these players by Ciel's side in his quest for vengeance against those who caused his parents' deaths. Sebastian's only goal is to meet this need for Ciel in exchange for his soul - and his methods are often a mix of creepy and/or humorous.


Can you tell that this is my most favorite series? I was actually going to wait on doing this review. I wanted to save a little bit for myself to savor re-watching Black Butler, but I was having a bad day and so it began. I even have a little Sebastian plushy doll toy, now. We watched it together. I am splitting the two seasons, again. I know it didn't really work with Vampire Knight, but these two seasons are long enough, and different enough, that there is no way to get around it. I'm not even sure that I will be doing Season 2 right away. We'll see how far I get.

Sebastian is awesome. If it weren't for that whole losing your soul into endless darkness and torment bit, I might be willing to get myself a sexy demon butler. Part of me is saddened for Ciel throughout the series, especially when I remember that he's around 12 years old. Despite the stupidity of the goofy three staff members with no skills, I don't think I ever wanted to punch them - which is amazing. Tanaka is a big favorite, ho ho ho. I don't know how to describe the series. It's dark but funny, shocking but moving, and full of "Yeah! Kick his ass! Go demon, go! Those jerks!" It was the end, though, that tore at my heart a little. It wasn't a surprise ending, so to speak, but the emotion it rbought up in me was startling - both the first time and the second. I wasn't surprised that I was moved watching it a second time, but more the level of emotion that I still had being equal to the first. I mean, I already knew what was going to happen, right?

I didn't really rate this as Older Teens because of any impropriety, as much as it's dark enough that I wouldn't sit a middle schooler in front of it and just go about my business. I was a little bit dark in my teen years, and this would've been right up my alley then. Clearly, I've changed a lot in the past 10 years or so. It's my favorite so I have to recommend it. I wouldn't be offended if it's not really someone's cup of tea, although I can't see an anime fan running away. So, I recommend. Really. You should see it. If you don't like it, lie to me, because it's amazing.

Um, yeah. Sorry.


As you wish: Black Butler 2, plus extras

Monday, March 4, 2013

The Wallflower

Genre: Comedy
Age Appropriate: Pre-teens
Emotional Response: Ha!, ::swoon::
Notable Features: Cute guys, creepy girl, becoming a lady (or not), kidnapping
Language: English
Length: 1 season, 25 episodes
Overall Recommendation: Yay!

"What would you do for a popsicle?" -Yuki (singing)

The Wallflower in this case is Sunako, a young weird girl with a love for all things creepy and gory. There is a bevy of good-looking guys living in her aunt's mansion with her. Those guys have been charged with making her a respectable young lady, and in return they can live there rent free! However, if they fail then the rent will be tripled. Needless to say, these handsome guys are desperate to avoid the terrible money situation. Each episode includes a segment titled, "The Road to Womanhood," that shares tips about different little things to make a girl into a young lady - or at least, that's the idea.

Sunako is battling her feelings of being ugly and worthless because of something thoughtless a guy said when she was young and confessed her love to him. He said, "I hate ugly girls," and her fate - along with her roommates' - was sealed. To top off her difficulties, she sees her new friends as "radiant!" and can't handle looking at them without sprouting a nosebleed. As the series progresses, she actually forms worthwhile relationships with the other characters, despite her strange quirks of watching zombie movies and having an empty medical mannequin, named Hiroshi, as her bff. Every other episode has something to do with kidnapping, and requires everyone to work as a team to save whichever member is in trouble. Despite all of their efforts, the friends struggle with changing Sunako but also learn to accept her weirdness as a good thing.


I didn't want to watch it. Then, I totally did. Oh the pretty boys, and the funny girls - so much fun. I adored it. I could definitely put this in my watch-it-again list for those days when I really need a pick me up. Truth be told, I was sick all week and this really kept my spirits up. I also admit that the pretty boys had something to do with it. They totally tickled that teenager part in me that giggles with girl-crushing. Heehee. Shockingly, I had a mini-crush on Kyohei. I also feel a little lame for being so predictable about it.

It's not a complicated anime. I appreciated it, not only for the funnies, but also because Sunako reminded me of myself. I didn't have any sexy roommates but I was a total outcast geek. I didn't like horror movies, but I did wear a lot of black. I can only hope that I wasn't as scary as some of the bit playing girls that chased around the guys (like the GothGothLoliLoli girls). I do remember feeling the way Sunako felt a lot. I think it made the whole comedy even better for me. I would definitely recommend it for the geeky-gothy girls in the world. It was totally awesome.


And action!: Black Butler