Age Appropriate: Any Age
Emotional Response: Depressing
Notable Features: Dreams, mental health issues, dancing puppet
Language: English
Length: 12 episodes
Overall Recommendation: Nope
"I had another dream last night." - Misuzu
Air begins with a young, vagrant man looking for food and attempting to use his puppet show to earn some money. Mostly, he's rejected because his show just isn't that exciting. After wandering some, he takes a quick nap on the rock wall of a beach, and wakes up to a strange girl standing in the breeze. Her presence triggers a memory from his mother, and he ends up following her as the story of the series.
Misuzu takes Yukito home with her, with a promise of food, and ends up keeping him around - despite his arguments that she shouldn't trust random strangers. He ends up staying with her, and her aunt, in t he shed and finds a job in their small town, helping around the office at the local clinic. The story is somewhat split up by two episode mini-dramas, each following a different character. While Yukito participates in each story, for the most part the people in town don't seem to have much of a personal connection with each other. In the end, each mini-drama adds a small piece to the end result.

I really enjoyed the theme music for this series. It was pretty, and often triggered an emotional response. Unfortunately, that was pretty much the only thing I liked about the series. I can't say it wasn't well done, in some respects, but it was so slow. I think I liked episode 8. I've been through plenty of stories that are sad, melancholy, depressing...etc, but there is always a little something here or there to help me through the pain.
I don't expect, or want, happy endings and cheery stories every time I watch a new series, but I also don't want to force myself to watch something because there is no relief from the oppressive sadness. I've had Air on my list to watch for weeks, and it kept getting pushed aside for something more bearable. The writing was fine, the music was nice, the art was normal, but I just couldn't handle it in any constructive way. I'd be willing for someone to disagree with me, I suppose, and I won't argue that it's "bad," as much as not worth the effort. I just don't think it should've taken me over three weeks to force myself to finish. The final episode did strike a chord with me, but I would've survived without seeing this. Not recommended.
Um: Uta No Prince Sama