Friday, December 20, 2013


Genre: Fantasy
Age Appropriate: Teens
Emotional Response: A little sad, a little inspired
Notable Features: humans, demons, technology vs, faith
Language: Japanese
Length: 1 season, 12 episodes
Overall Recommendation: Great

"I dislike insects." - Head Maid

Maoyu is a story with a strange mix. The main characters have no real names, only Hero or Scholar or Mage...etc. Hero is basically just that. He's the hero of the realm who went to battle the Demon King in order to save humanity. In the beginning the story reveals that in his efforts he was joined by friends and left them behind to finish his battle. It is the result of that battle that is the reason behind the story.

Hero has fallen in with the Demon King. Surprisingly, the Demon King is actually a woman - though her title is not Demon Queen. It appears that she wants to bring the human world and demon world together in some sort of harmony. Her desire for peace affects the Hero and he agrees to join her cause. Being the Hero, with special powers, and her being the King, with her own special powers, they enter the human world and start a path of scientific enlightenment. Her goal changes her title to Scholar within the human world. She brings new things to the world, like potatoes, meant to help serfs and common people help themselves without sacrificing their well-being to those above them. It's like an intellectual rebellion. Of course, this is not without consequences, and this is the conflict of the story.


Since Maoyu is only 12 episodes, I'm trying to avoid giving too much away. I really did enjoy the series. It shows an interesting view of the terrible Demon King working to make the world populations independent beings. Of course, part of this is defying the Spirit of Light's church. The somewhat romantic connection formed between Hero and Scholar is part of the demon and human story. They're belief in each other makes some of the good things possible.

I have other favorite characters, though. In particular, the little girl serf who joins the household with her sister. She's cute and lively - excellent lighthearted relief. While their story is a sad one, it's part of the beginning of the series social commentary. I have mixed feelings about who to recommend this to, but I'll say probably best for those who don't mind a little thought mixed with some standard demon weirdness. There is a character who seems very interested in Hero, and also breathes fire. Merchant certainly likes to look at her. So, yeah, not in my top 10 or anything, but enjoyable .


Woosh: HOLIDAYS - I will return in 3 weeks after the Holidays. I hope you all have fun and safe holiday fun.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Business Trip = Anime Fail

Hi All!

I was on a business trip out of town for part of this week. So, no review for now. My apologies.
These upcoming holiday weeks will likely be the same. I'll post this upcoming week, and the probably take a full two week break for the holidays. Regular posting will resume on January 9th.
Until next time!

Happy Holidays and stuff.

Friday, December 6, 2013


Genre: Drama/SciFi
Age Appropriate: Adult
Emotional Response: sad and confused
Notable Features: pandoras, limiters, evil monsters, high nudity
Language: English
Length: 1 season, 12 episodes (plus extras)
Overall Recommendation: not for me

"I would be honored if you would come to my room tonight." - Satellizer

There are Pandoras and their limiters in the world of Freezing. Pandoras are genetically modified girls with "sacreds" implanted in them. These give them powers and weapons to battle Novas, energy pumped beings that are terrorizing the world. The Limiters are the Pandoras' counterparts who "freeze" the surrounding battle areas during Nova fights. This is meant to diffuse some of the power and give the girls a change to bring down the Novas. This is the background that brings together the main characters of the series.

Kazuya is a young boy who has transferred into Genetic West academy. He is attempting to follow in his sister's footsteps, who was a super powerful Pandora. Unfortunately, she died in a battle against a powerful Nova, and it seems now Kazuya is intent on following her path somehow. He chooses the academy specifically because it was the school she attended before joining the fight.

At this school, he literally runs into Satellizer, known as the Untouchable Queen. She was the first ranked second year student, until his bumbling interrupted a ranking battle. She has a terrible reputation as a troublemaker because of her standoffish attitude, but somehow Kazyua manages to squeak past her personal barriers. His determination leads him to choose her as his Pandora, despite the personal issues she has with cementing her bond, and the series explores how that works out. However, the main focuses turns quickly to the Nova battle at hand, and there are some serious twists to find.


This series reminded me of Master of Martial Hearts. It's all battling, and girl bitchy attitudes, and boobs. Lots and Lots of boob. With every battle, at least one per fighter strips the other of her clothing. Actually, it's very much like Master of Martial Hearts - instead of battling girls for a fake wishing jewel, everyone is training to fight mysterious alien robot things. I don't mind nudity, generally at all, but I appreciate it in comedic scenes, or even incidental nudity - this just irritated me after awhile.

I hated the first episode, but I realize only because I was looking for something else at the time. When I started it again, I wasn't that disappointed actually. There are a lot of anime series that have random nudity, so I wasn't bothered by it much, but I eventually hated how much and in what circumstances the nudity occurred. Freezing may not be as much of a mind screw as MOMH ended up being, but I hated it. It was well done, I suppose, because I have some strong feelings about it. I can even think of a few friends who would appreciate it more (even aside from the nudity), but I wanted more out of it. Maybe a sprinkling of comedy, or better emotional relationship development, maybe some actual friendship...I don't know. This was definitely not for me.

Re: extras - Wow. Loads more inappropriate than the series itself. Just wow.
