Thursday, January 16, 2014

Phantom Thief Reinya

Genre: Comedy
Age Appropriate: Teens, I guess?
Emotional Response: ::headsmack:: Why?
Notable Features: Mischievous cat burglar with an alter-ego and a talking mouse sidekic
Language: Japanese
Length: 12 shorts
Overall Recommendation: Probably have to be under some influence

"I can overlook that." - Chief

So, um, there is this cat/cat burglar girl that works in a shop and has a mouse sidekick. She's sassy and very obvious but the investigative team never notices. There is a young, obvious girl cop, a pervy chief who "overlooks" things anytime the girl cop squeels and hides behind him, and a young, pretty male investigator type who is desperately in love with Reinya (cat girl) and shows his love with a variety of strange poses and sparklies. Reinya steals something frequently or find herself in some other comedic situation. The team then descends, either hoping to catch the cat burglar, or to help their lovely friend Reinya (haha). While there are 12 episodes, they're all short - just like this synopsis.


There isn't really much point to this series, except maybe that there is no point. It reminds me a LOT of Super Milk Chan and 12 oz. Mouse. Partially, this means that I would've enjoyed it more when I was younger and drunk more often. Thankfully, these shorts are only 3ish minutes long, therefore making it more tolerable. I don't want to say it was terrible, because the truth is that it wasn't. It just isn't my cup of tea anymore. Probably because I'm a bit more of a grown up now, not a lot more, but enough. There is someone I would probably recommend this too, although probably for nostalgia's sake, but otherwise I would only recommend it to people either in the funny-because-I'm-drunk stage in their life, or youngsters who have the same mental maturity. I only left it at teens because of the pervy chief and his "I'll over look that," moments.


Sure: Fairy Tail

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