Age Appropriate: old enough
Emotional Response: uhhhhh
Notable Features: demons, magic, books, dark
Language: Japanese
Length: 1 season, 12 episodes
Overall Recommendation: Sure, why not?
"...are you humanity?" - Huey / "No, I am the world." - Dalian
Huey received a letter from his grandfather that he's inherited his estate. This estate includes his very extensive library, with the condition that he take care of Dalian. He's actually under the impression that Dalian must be his grandfather's dog. It's not a dog. It's a girl! Dalian is one of Wes's (grandpa's) friends, who often enjoyed his library and seems to now be under the care of Huey. She has a haughty attitude, which likely comes for her real age and wealth of knowledge. While he seems a little weirded out by the whole situation, he takes on the role with a certain amount of grace.

There are a number of Phantom books, that if read by something "not worthy," create havoc and death around them. With the help of some acknowledgement and magic, Huey and Dalian are able to work out his role as keymaster and open the Mystic Archives of Dantalian, the magical library of everything that is hiding within Dalian, to pull out new books to defeat whichever book is causing problems. Their contact and subsequent defeat of these Phantom books is the driving force behind the series.
Before I say anything else, I need to warn you. However weird and dark the series can get, nothing can match the end credits. They're creepy and nightmare-inducing. The music stays in your head. I played Devil May Cry (bought after the series because I wanted to get the story), as a way to get the music out. That's right. I played a game with creepy marianettes and sin scissors to wipe out the end credits....followed by a musical. Stay away. Far, far away. Unless you like that kinda thing, then more power to ya.
Mystic Archives is just plain weird. It wasn't weird in a can't watch it kind of way. It didn't completely turn me off, but I think I kept watching it out of a compelled need to see what was next. It was a bit like watching a car wreck. Or pringles. I just couldn't stop. I think that actually might have been the creators' goal, and if it was they succeeded. I didn't really get involved with the characters, but I did want to know what the relationship between the little boy and girl was going to turn out to be. It took awhile for there to be a reason for the story, a plot to appear. ION, the music is quite pretty (minus the creepycreep at the end). I found myself watching the opening credits purely to hear the theme song alone.
I would actually recommend it for someone specifically looking for something of this type. Definitely not for girly-girls who run away from wierdo-magic-pseudo-bloody stuff. It might actually be better to watch in the fall. Yeah.
More fun to come!: Vampire Knight (season 1)
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