Thursday, May 2, 2013

Dark Side Cat

Genre: Action
Age Appropriate: Any Age
Emotional Response: Okay...
Notable Features: rockstar cat
Language: Japanese
Length: 6 short episodes
Overall Recommendation: Not so much

"I guess I found Rita because that cat kicked me in the face." - Rita's Mom

Dark Side Cat is a stray cat with an attitude against humans. Everywhere he goes he causes some kind of havoc, whether it is completely on purpose or in the pursuit of a mouse. He has a sidekick cat that pops up at some point in each episode. Neither cat talks but the Dark Side Cat has a human personality, whereas his black kitten counterpart is all cat. The first four episodes are completely different from the previous ones, with the only connections being the cats and the fact that the mayor has declared that the city should get rid of stray cats, with the last two adding some storyline.


Dark Side Cat is a series of 6 episodes, each only 6 minutes long (5 if you take out the intro). I didn't realize that it was this short at first, but I watched it and I will give it its due. The art style reminded me a lot of South Park, and I suppose some of the story lines did, too. There was absolutely no character development, but there really couldn't be. The last parts that had storyline were more interesting, and maybe could have meant more, but it worked well considering the time spent. I don't think I really would've liked it any better if there were more, or longer, episodes. I guess I can see some of the appeal, but it felt like a bit of a waste of my time. It was less than an hour, though, so it's not that big of a deal. I suppose I could get behind the concept but I wouldn't recommend it to anyone.


Hope you're ready: Suskiyo

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