Monday, May 20, 2013

Listen to me girls, I'm your father.

Genre: Comedy
Age Appropriate: Any age
Emotional Response: Sad followed by happy
Notable Features: family committment, adorable kids
Language: Japanese
Length: 1 season, 12 episodes
Overall Recommendation: Great

"Twinkle, twinkle, little star...." - Hina & Co.

Yuuta is a first year college student who is interested in joining the SS club at school. Well, he's kidnapped by said club, but there is a beautiful girl involved, so he dicides to stick around. Then he gets a call from his sister. She scolds him for not visiting. It turns out that his older sister raised him when their parents died, so she became closer to a mother. Now she has three little girls, two from her husband's previous marriages, and one of their own. His sister bullies him into a visit, and has a secret plot - a test run for having him stay with the girls for a time when she and her husband have to go out of town for his work. He does have fun with the girls, and despite being reluctant about it, agrees when the little girls guilt him into it.

Their first night home alone, tragedy falls for the family. The airplane with the parents crashes and now the girls are orphans. At the funeral, the families agree to split the girls up, so that each family only has to take one. Yuuta flashes back to his parents funeral and his sister's response. He jumps up and declares that he will take the girls - despite being poor, having a small apartment, and not much at home. The girls jump at the chance to be with him. They don't really understant what they're in for, but they'd be together. So begins the story of Yuuta being the father of a preteen, a 10 year old, and a toddler.


I loved this series. It was bittersweet, but engaging. After the past few confusing, multiple personality based series, I was really looking for something straight-up normal. No magic, sci-fi, psychological factors, but just something "normal." This series really nailed it.

I love all of the characters. Yuuta is so sweet in his struggles to meet the needs of the girls, while being completely oblivious about the actual day-to-day necessities. He really wants to make them happy (but forgets to think about their emotional states and the stress of being mini-homemakers). Sora is sweet, and takes on something closer to the "mom" role. Maybe it's just being a really good older sister, but she has to deal with her major crush on Yuuta. He's pretty oblivious to that, too. The only negative about it is that Sora is kind of annoying with it sometimes. Miu loves to torture her sister about her crush. She's pretty nice and a little mischevious, but in a good-hearted kind of way. She's stuck between being the older sister to Hina, helping Sora and wanting to just be a kid, and not wanting to cause anyone any trouble. Hina is just cute. Seriously. CUTE. I squealed a few times when she was on screen because she's so freakin' cute. C.U.T.E. I don't know if I would need to rewatch the series, but Hina might make it nice to do so.

It's really those characters that make the series. The story is nice, and uplifting despite the sadness of what they face, but it's really pretty great. I'd recommened it to someone looking for it, hands down, and there really wasn't anything inappropriate. I liked it.


Roll over!: Heaven's Lost Property

1 comment:

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